I'm Back! and It's Preptober Time!

Hello, fronds. It’s been quite a while. Okay, a really effing long time. A year. But hello, because I am (at least for now) RETURNED.

I know the grammar there was wrong. It’s just how the words happen in my head.

Anyway, a lot of not-so-fun stuff happened that made me stop writing on my blog for a while. Without going into too many specifics (I’m a fan of my privacy), after last year’s NaNoWriMo, I developed some mental health issues and it took me a long time to get back to the level where I am now.

Moving on...

I decided to start blogging again because I’m gearing up to start Preptober, during which I’ll be planning for this year’s NaNoWrio project with the 90-Day Novel method. This year’s work is tentatively titled THE JULIE PROJECT, since it’s based on the legendary life of Julie d’Aubigny. If all goes well, this will be my fourth finished manuscript, which is exciting! And I want to keep track of what I’m doing, not only for myself, but in the hopes that this might help someone else someday. Last year, I used the 90-Day Novel method to write my third manuscript, and in August, I signed with my agent, Christa Heschke at McIntosh & Otis! Yay!

What this all means is that tomorrow, I’m starting my Preptober work with the first day of the process. It worked last year, so it should work again this year!



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