Getting Back into Blogging

So...remember how I said back in October that I was back?

[GIF: Tom Hanks thinking]
Yeah. Me neither.

I've tried to keep up with writing a blog, I really have. But for some reason, I'm just incredibly flighty about it. For a while there, I was posting short stories a few times a week, but then life got in the way, I guess. Well, that's not quite true, but I'm not ready to talk about the specific reasons yet. Maybe sometime in the future.

It's also been tough trying to think of things to write about. Right now, I'm also a team member of Operation Awesome, and I do posts on general writing thoughts, tips, and current events over there. So I don't want to be double-posting things, you know? I want to be able to provide something new and different here than I'm doing over there.

In that spirit, if anyone out there is still listening, in the next few weeks I'm planning to write about my journey from my first time querying to where I am now - which is on the verge of my manuscript going on submissions! My plan is to write about the many stages of the writing journey I went through and what I took away from it. Hopefully that will be useful to someone!

[GIF: "Watch this space"]


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